DC Red Dress - 2005

After last year's Red Dress I didn't think anything would out-do it...WELL I WAS WRONG...
Friday morning started out with Hedgie and I waking up (hungover) and heading to Greensboro...Then the waiting began...Thing 1 was the first to arrive, then calls from Curry saying he was up the street stopped for lunch...The original plan was to leave around 2:00...That plan was crushed when Sextion called at 2:00 he was just leaving Fayetteville...I spent the next two hours giving him directions, trying to find Titanic's ride a rego, and packing, and showering, and getting ready to go...Finally we get on the road around 4:30 en route to pick up NSSB....
Things took a dirty turn in Charlottesville...We pick up Bob and my car starts shaking (blew a spark plug I knew what was wrong it happened before)...We evenly distributed the weight in the car, and shook our way onto DC...I wasn't concerned about us getting THERE but getting home might've been an issue...
We finally arrive in DC around 10:00 and promptly start drinking...Single Wide was way ahead of me, I think she went to bed three times and woke up to drink more, finally going down for good around midnight...3-man, pass the pigs, drunk driver, asshole and other games helped us get caught up...We were then surprised when Titanic showed up (he was supposed to be there on Sat)...But they called Gufer into a circle and made him a birthday cake (and by MADE i do not mean they baked him one, they MADE him a birthday cake)...They poured milk, flour and eggs on top of him, he was a good sport, and anyway that's what he gets for trying to keep his birthday a secret!!
Saturday morning started very slow for most of us (late night ugh)...I headed to the auto shop to see if I could get my car worked on, but was greeted by a number of MORONS...So I just went to the parts store and bought a spark plug...Then back to the house to get everyone in their dresses for the day...With everyone ready we loaded up for our trip to the metro station...I was lucky enough to get to ride in the "Shaggin Wagon" It was awesome, when I grow up I want one of those for myself!!
We hit the Metro Stop and are greeted by some of the DC hashers, Boozie, SMAC, WEEEEEEE! and others...On-On to the metro, I think we scared some of the locals, the looks on their faces were priceless!!
We get to the start, register, and let the drinking begin...However we had been drinking before thanks to Bob and his "Box-O-Wine Boobs" (gotta love Sunset Blush)....Pretty soon the place was swarming with people in red, it was awesome!! The weather was great the company was even better...I got to see some folks I had not seen in a shile, Menage-A-Todd, Hershey, Udder Ho, and many others...Next up was the beer stop, we got a nice scenic tour of Georgetown then hit the bar, small bar slow staff, but still a great time...Then back on trail, to the on-in...
On-In was perfect location...Very large, dance-floor, food, and booze who could ask for more??? Sextion and I found the perfect way to request a song...Just start singing at the top of your lungs "Oh Baby You...You got what I need" started out just him & I next thing you know 30 people around us are singing as well...THEN the next song the DJ put on, you got it...EarShot and I tried to do some Whoosh impressions...Now it's time to head back to the house...Big thanks to Dinky & Wyked for putting us up and putting up WITH US!!
Sunday AM Cockachino begins work on my car, I owe him more than you can ever imagine...The car managed to get back to NC with out a single sputter!!
That is about all I can remember right now...If I think of anything else I will update it...
Thanks to the Crystal Coast crew for the fun & memories...You guys are awesome and I am grateful to have you all as friends!!
**And I was right Single Wide wore the same dress (3years and running)
At 10/05/2005 5:38 PM,
Unknown said…
Hey, you two look hot in those dresses.
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