I couldn't compete!
Diddy & Single Wide: Bow Chick-a Bow Bow

Well I tried to take a picture of my cleavage but they all came out looking like ass crack...So instead I figured I'd share this "lesbian-esque" picture with you all...I know the male viewers (all 2 Ear Shot & BG) will like it...
This was taken at the pub crawl the Triangle H3 put on this past weekend in honor of PT & Bourbon's wedding...I was going to do a write up but Ear Shot did a pretty good job so read his ...
A few things to note from the night are: we tried to drink the bar out of Yager...I got lost in the crowd at the concert...I was in line for beer when Blister in the Sun was playing (SUCKS)...Got a phone call at 4am from my "stalker"...Woke up the next morning IN PAIN why did I drink so much? Then decided it was a "good idea" to drive 2 hours to Jacksonville for a hash...Oh well it was a blast, and I must admit it was the most fun I've EVER had at a wedding/reception/after party!!
On-On to PT & Bourbon I "heart" you guys!!
At 7/21/2005 3:49 PM,
Diddy said…
Well I wasn't in pain from sex...It was the yager-bombs, and from laughing my ass off...And from staying up to late...One day these late nights drinking binges are gonna catch up with me...
At 7/21/2005 4:23 PM,
Anonymous said…
Spank Bank image index #233
Category: Lesbian Inferno
Sub Category: Lambada, The forbidden dance
At 7/21/2005 5:06 PM,
Matt said…
i can only wish diddy's pain was from sex, but i know otherwise.
damn sympathy quota
At 7/21/2005 7:11 PM,
SMAC said…
Damn Girls!! You are gonna give the boys something to think about during alone time!!!
Way to go!!!
At 7/21/2005 10:37 PM,
Anonymous said…
nah I am only technically a stalker, I dont call, dont drive by, actually dont even think about the person I am stalking too much, maybe every once in a while when I am watching MacGuyver and eating a sandwich.
At 7/21/2005 11:29 PM,
Diddy said…
ES - yeah my "sympathy" quota has been met for this year
SMAC - that was the idea :)
BG - I knew Kane was a stalker
Kane - Why haven't you called me since Saturday...Is it because Ear Shot answered the phone??? JOKING, that was my "other" stalker ;)
At 7/22/2005 2:47 AM,
Anonymous said…
Sure, I go on a tubing adventure with 200+ gals (lesbians), so you don't count me as a "male viewer." By the way, it didn't suck (neither did they).
Let's see, Kane the stalker (FUSD)??? No way!!! hmmm... let me go through the Revolution pics... I don't know, one night may just be creepy
...too easy of a target, you get your one free pass on that one.
Have a great weekend everyone.
Good luck on your first day of retail hell Diddy
At 7/22/2005 2:53 AM,
Anonymous said…
Sure, I go on a tubing adventure with 200 gals (lesbians), so you don't count me as a "male vi
At 7/22/2005 6:32 AM,
Matt said…
hey schwinn what's a fusd?
At 7/22/2005 8:07 AM,
Heidi Flash said…
FUSD = F'd Up Stalker Dude
At 7/22/2005 8:08 AM,
Heidi Flash said…
ES - I thought you read my blog? :)
At 7/22/2005 9:22 AM,
Matt said…
i've had a beer since then heidi and a jager bomb, and jager shots, etc, etc, etc. it dawned on me about 20 minutes ago.
At 7/29/2005 6:34 PM,
Mr. Bad Mood said…
mr. bad mood is a male viewer too. granted he was away for a month, but he's back now biaches!
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