I got a J O B
As most of you know I have been unemployed since January...Riding out my un-employment and enjoying the time off...WELL it's time to join the work force again...
This morning was my orientation...I had to sit through eight BORING videos and fill out lots of paperwork...All the paperwork was the same thing over and over again...Name, Birth Date, SS#, Address etc...All that is done I will be starting to "officially" work next week...
It's not the most glamorous job, nor the best paying...But I think I will enjoy it...I will be working at NY & Company a clothing store...It kind of sucks I will not be able to bring home a paycheck, I will be bringing home BAGS AND BAGS FULL OF NEW CLOTHES!
Some of you might not know but this job is in Greensboro so I am currently moving out of the C&C Crib and into a new place...Don't worry the C&C Factory will still be here, we just aren't living under the same roof...It is kind of like getting a divorce, except I don't hate her...
While we're on the topic I'll tell you about my WORST JOB I ever had...I was a waitress at a seafood restaurant...IT MAJORLY SUCKED...It was during my Sophomore & Junior years of High School...I had just gotten my drivers license and wanted to go out every chance I got...We normally hit the local teen hangout on Saturday nights...I had to work most Saturday's but would meet the gang afterwards...It really sucked I would show up reeking of fish, but my friends loved it when I'd bring a plate of Fried Shrimp for all to enjoy...The worst thing had to be me sticking my hand into the "rag bucket" to wipe tables off and pulling out an oyster, I almost barfed, it was like the biggest booger I've ever seen...Till this day I cannot eat fish, nor stand the smell of it...OH and we also had to wear these hideous aprons and "sailor caps" very POSH!...SO what was your worst job?
OH AND As soon as my memory recovers I will post about the fabu weekend I had at TITS!!
This morning was my orientation...I had to sit through eight BORING videos and fill out lots of paperwork...All the paperwork was the same thing over and over again...Name, Birth Date, SS#, Address etc...All that is done I will be starting to "officially" work next week...
It's not the most glamorous job, nor the best paying...But I think I will enjoy it...I will be working at NY & Company a clothing store...It kind of sucks I will not be able to bring home a paycheck, I will be bringing home BAGS AND BAGS FULL OF NEW CLOTHES!
Some of you might not know but this job is in Greensboro so I am currently moving out of the C&C Crib and into a new place...Don't worry the C&C Factory will still be here, we just aren't living under the same roof...It is kind of like getting a divorce, except I don't hate her...
While we're on the topic I'll tell you about my WORST JOB I ever had...I was a waitress at a seafood restaurant...IT MAJORLY SUCKED...It was during my Sophomore & Junior years of High School...I had just gotten my drivers license and wanted to go out every chance I got...We normally hit the local teen hangout on Saturday nights...I had to work most Saturday's but would meet the gang afterwards...It really sucked I would show up reeking of fish, but my friends loved it when I'd bring a plate of Fried Shrimp for all to enjoy...The worst thing had to be me sticking my hand into the "rag bucket" to wipe tables off and pulling out an oyster, I almost barfed, it was like the biggest booger I've ever seen...Till this day I cannot eat fish, nor stand the smell of it...OH and we also had to wear these hideous aprons and "sailor caps" very POSH!...SO what was your worst job?
OH AND As soon as my memory recovers I will post about the fabu weekend I had at TITS!!
At 7/07/2005 11:59 AM,
Anonymous said…
After graduating high school I took a summerjob in a junk yard to save money to go on an end of summer beach trip. In WV, jobs are scarce to say the least, most teenagers do not have jobs until after high school. My whole job was collecting items to recycle / liquidate assets in the yard. Collecting soda cans into bins, stacking radiators into trucks, cracking open car batteries with a hammer to get the lead out, trying not to get splashed by battery acid. I went thru 3 pair of work gloves a day that would just dissolve within a few hours. I am surprised I am healthy at all.
At 7/07/2005 12:22 PM,
Anonymous said…
Sailor cap, huh? Kinda like your avatar. Works for me; ummm... do you still have it? lol
Did you ever notice that Diddy's avatar looks like she is getting the shocker every now and then? @-)
Surely you had to have at least one 'Fast times at Ridgemont High' moment? You know, the one where Brad was trying to be Mr. (not so) Smooth while out making a delivery...
...with his pirate hat on.
Glad you made it back in one piece and survived your first day of retail hell.
At 7/07/2005 12:54 PM,
Heidi Flash said…
Diddy - you could easily be a comedian - I don't think I ever laughed so much the whole weekend as I did sitting with you (and company) until 6:00 in the frickin morning. And for the record - as old as I am - when I say it's getting to be daylight don't try to convince me it's not. I was soooo gulible (read: drunk).
At 7/07/2005 1:19 PM,
Matt said…
i painted houses one summer in college in raleigh. that really sucked. especially since i got fired. never hire a college paint crew to paint your house. they cut way to many corners.
At 7/07/2005 2:52 PM,
Anonymous said…
oops, I used the wrong emoticon for Diddy's avatar getting the shocker, should have been :-O
At 7/08/2005 7:59 AM,
Anonymous said…
I <3 Lerner.
At 7/08/2005 9:38 AM,
Darcey said…
I don't think I've had too many sucky jobs, save for working at the ad agency. Working as a decorator's apprentice at a bakery had its moments of "ugh" and there's nothing like being a clown for a kid's bday party when they decide to puke on your clown shoes (which hold WAY too much liquid, thank you). But other than that, not too bad.
At 7/12/2005 6:12 AM,
Anonymous said…
Be sure to visit Diddy at her new job at:
The pigtails are hot Diddy, you go girl!
At 7/15/2005 2:00 PM,
Anonymous said…
Congrats, Diddy!
My worst job was scrubbing ring around the collar when I was college. GROSS!!!!!
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