Packing for TITS
So I being lazy and haven't started packing yet...So I decided to make a list...
- Tent
- Air Mattress
- Sheets
- Bug Spray
- Sunscreen
- Bathing Suit
- TUBE or some sort of flotation device
- Tiki Torches
- Clothes, lots of shorts, tank tops, hash gear
- Mug
- Liquor (watermelon vodka)
- Red Bull (NSSB is bringing Yager)
- Sodas & Water
- Lantern
- Toilet Paper
- Shampoo, Soap, Tooth Paste, Tooth Brush Etc...
- Dice, Cards, Games?
- Camera with EXTRA batteries
- Waterproof camera for the float
I am sure I am forgetting something...Most of my camping gear is already packed up in a rubbermaid bin in my car...My tent and supplies LIVE in my car during the summer, you never know when you're going to need it...The hardest part is going to be figuring out what clothes to take...I always over pack...I'm scared I might need something...I know I will pack FOUR pair of shoes, and I'll only wear ONE my flip flops...I'll pack a half a dozen shorts, but I'll end up wearing my kilt all weekend, OR a sarong...As for tops I'm sure I'll end up wearing my bathing suit the majority of the time...Really as long as I have a clean pair of underwear I'm good!
On-On to a weekend of drunken debauchery, PRAY FOR NO RAIN!
At 6/29/2005 7:18 PM,
Anonymous said…
my apt is a wreck right now, I have aired out my gear and I am in the process of repacking it.
At 6/30/2005 8:22 AM,
Heidi Flash said…
Don't forget water shoes (or whatever you call them) and a towel.
And the countdown begins!!!!!!!
At 6/30/2005 8:51 AM,
Darcey said…
Yeah. I mostly packed last night, but still have some to go. 24 hours from now, I'll be in a plane flying over SC, en route to Richmond for VK to pick me up.
On-on for my first camping hash!
At 6/30/2005 11:28 AM,
Diddy said…
Ok added Chair & Beach Towels to the list...Of course they were allready packed, what you think I'm a blonde? OK don't answer that...
PINK HELLO KITTY CHAIR!! Wonder if it'll float!!
Now if only I could hear back from my job interview, I could TOTALLY enjoy this weekend, celebrating!!
At 6/30/2005 12:42 PM,
Matt said…
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