"She looks rough man!"

So I was informed yesterday that I won the Day After Contest on Kane's Blog...I must say it ranks high on the list of "proud" moments (can you sense the sarcasm?)...First a little backstory on the photo....This was taken the morning after Halloween 1996, Single Wide & I were living in a one bedroom apartment in Greenville NC...This was after our night out on the streets of G'vegas (if you haven't been Greenville blocks off their downtown area and has a huge block party for Halloween)...We ended up walking 8 blocks home after the festivities, because we couldn't get a cab large enough to hold our party...So anyway in honor of the MTV movie awards I decided I would write an acceptance speech, ENJOY!
First off I want to thank god, for he created beer and wanted us to be happy, without that none of these morning after pictures would have been possible...I'd like to thank the bouncers at the Elbow (in Greenville) for they let underage females into the bar and marked their hands as over-21...Also the Elbow for having penny draft, if it hadn't been for them I would have never drank a beer to start with! Single Wide for crafting my costume, we were the sexiest genies (except for that big guy with the fake boobies). Maybelline for making the most hideous pink eyeshadow, for without that my eyes wouldn't have looked like someone beat the shi* out of me in the morning...My best friend Eric for passing out on the floor with me, at least I wasn't alone!...And I can't forget the little people; Jack Daniels, Jose Cuervo, Jim Beam, Bud Light, J. Ello Shot...I was honored to be in the running with some of the best drunks I know, Boozie, Sailor, Cert, NSSB and Cuervo...Thanks to Hydro who thought I looked the worst of the bunch (not sure if it's a complement but HEY I'll take it!)
Thanks Kane for the contest, can't wait to see my prize!!
On-On to Revolution hang-overs
At 6/10/2005 10:13 AM,
Anonymous said…
Damn you girls got the abs of steel goin on. That picture is hilarious
At 6/10/2005 10:22 AM,
Diddy said…
We "had" the abs of steel back then, don't know what happened?!?!?
Bad thing is we thought we looked HORRIBLE, if only we could look like that now!
At 6/10/2005 8:46 PM,
Anonymous said…
Congratulations on your tremendous win there. For me, it was an honor just to be nominated...
At 6/13/2005 9:54 AM,
Anonymous said…
Excellent speech! And I love that pink eye shadow...very classy :)
At 6/16/2005 9:34 AM,
Anonymous said…
"I was honored to be in the running with some of the best drunks I know, Boozie, Sailor, Cert, NSSB and Cuervo"
Thanks for the props! I was also honored to be in the running with someone of your goddess of the hangover title.
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