Bad Idea Jeans

I've been wearing these A LOT lately! I need to send them to Good-will before they kill me...
So Friday was my first day at work...I think I am going to enjoy the job (at least until I get bored with it)...Only bad thing is I will probably spend my entire paycheck in the store, they have so much cute stuff! ANYWAY I get off work at 5:00, and "decide" to drive to Emerald Isle (4 hours away)...I didn't decide on my own...Everyone I talked to said GO (Silence, Nex) or COME (Ear Shot, Titanic)...So I throw on my "bad idea jeans" pack a bag and hit the road...My sister met me in Jacksonville, so with her in tow we hit the beach..
I called ES on my way he said they were sitting on the back deck of Kelsey's drinking Jager-Bombs, I said YOU BETTER SAVE ME ONE...Well guess what when I arrived there were three waiting on me!! And that was just the first of several rounds...So it's nearing 2am we decide to hit Food Lion to buy more beer, the clerk wouldn't sell ES, TT, or Myself beer because we were "DRUNK"...So my sister had to buy the beer for us (my how the times have changed, she is 3 years younger than me, so when I was 21 she was 18 and I had to buy booze for her all the time)...We then proceed to rent a hotel room...ALLEGEDLY I put the room on my card, I think (HOPE) It was $110 I don't have a receipt, so I need to check my balance and make sure nothing else was charged...Six drunk people in a hotel room is pretty fun, especially if you have a case of beer, a sharpie and a can of pringles...We tried to order pizza but there was nothing open at 2am :( ...OH YEAH and EarShot Slept with my sister (and by slept with I mean he got the ZZZZ-game/Married sex / NOTHING)...
I think the highlight of the night was standing knee deep in the ocean, while it's raining, watching the thunderstorm (lightning is cool, even though I'm terrified of it!)...I love the beach, when I win the lottery I am going to buy a my own personal beach, and turn it into a hash "compound"
Saturday we get up and have pizza for breakfast, then head to Sandboney & Snatch's to wait for the hash to start...We hashed, circled, I rounded up the gang of Chippendale dancers and headed to ElCerro for food & Margaritas...It was getting pretty late so I decided to head home...THIS is when I realized that this trip really was a "bad idea" driving 4 hours home, hung-over & tired are not a good thing...Really I am glad I went, I had a blast, and I made it home safe & sound...Now if only I didn't have to work tomorrow so I could hit the Sir Walters hash with the rest of the gang...
So anyone else have these "Bad Idea Jeans" or maybe it's "Bad Idea GENES"
At 7/24/2005 5:20 AM,
Anonymous said…
"--- you don't reach Serendib by plotting a course for it. You have to set out in good faith for elsewhere and lose your bearings ... serendipitously." (John Barth, The Last Voyage of Somebody the Sailor)
I hope you never stop setting out for elsewhere.
Great talkin' to ya last night. Everyone said you sounded down, but as always, you sounded great to me and you left me with a :)
Thanks for that
At 7/24/2005 6:59 AM,
Matt said…
i seem to be side by side with you in your bad idea jeans adventures lately.
At 7/25/2005 6:26 AM,
Matt said…
i hope you plan onputting those jeans back on tuesday.
At 7/25/2005 8:01 AM,
Anonymous said…
:) Glad you had a good time! The beach sounds like so much fun! However, I was less than 7 feet from a sweaty Bret Michaels, so I can't complain too much.
Someone complimented me on my accent this weekend at the hash, and my reply was, "Then there's this hasher you just HAVE to meet. Her name is Diddy..."
At 7/25/2005 8:25 AM,
Matt said…
i need to meet your other sister to complete the trifuckta of the "z game"
At 7/25/2005 1:37 PM,
Diddy said…
Schwinn - I was just tired...So I wasn't my "normal" self...After driving 4 hours home I was beat
ES - I am sure I'll have to wear those BIJ on Tuesday...But I may have to retire them for the month of August, I need a break
VK - I love the beach, and when you'r around friends having a good time it's even better.
BG - I don't remember talking to you...I don't remember calling anyone...I did check my call log and the only person that "I" called was NSSB, not sure if I talked to him or not...
WHAT ARE WE GOING TO DO NEXT WEEKEND when all the Drunk Dialers are in one location?? We need some walkie-talkies so we can Drunk-WT
At 7/25/2005 1:44 PM,
Heidi Flash said…
Diddy - We don't no stinkin Walkie Talkies - BG drunk dialed me from across the table at the first UpPP (Unplanned Pool Party)
At 7/25/2005 1:58 PM,
Anonymous said…
Amen to that!
The last time "Diddy Took A Break" it lasted 5 hours. Bet it was the longest 5 hours of your summer :)
At 7/25/2005 2:27 PM,
Matt said…
i'd better turn my phone off this weekend since i'll be the only drunk dialer not there. i'll probably wake up to 15 messages.
At 7/25/2005 2:42 PM,
Diddy said…
Heidi - better idea...I am going to get some tin-cans and link them with string between all of our tents...That would be FUN HUH? Well until someone clotheslines themself with our "tela-phonies"
VK - yeah I'm not one for "taking breaks" but I am going to try and lay low (as low as I can manage) for August..
ES - I still think you should hit the wedding, throw your BIJ's on and meet us in GSO
At 7/25/2005 6:26 PM,
Matt said…
but diddy, my tent is still broke dick and yours is all filled up. where ever would i sleep?
At 7/25/2005 6:28 PM,
Anonymous said…
I have seen look at my ass jeans, and its two children jeans;look at my ass crack, and look at my thong jeans,
At 7/25/2005 9:01 PM,
Anonymous said…
Kane - I had no idea that English was your second language.
At 7/26/2005 8:09 AM,
Anonymous said…
Diddy, you did call. We talked while someone was puking in my bed. You asked me if you should go to the beach or not. I even said hi to Earshot. BY the way you are not supposed to stand in the water in a thunderstorm. see ya soon
At 7/26/2005 9:42 AM,
Diddy said…
NSSB - I talked to you??? LMAO! I don't remember...Hey are you coming up early this week? I think some of the TH3 peeps are coming up Thursday...
Otherwise SEE YA FRIDAY!!
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