C&C Sandwich Factory....The Reunion

I can't wait!!! This Friday the C&C Sandwich Factory will be together once again. First time since July! We are meeting in DC to hash the DC Red Dress (Picture is from last years DCRD)
It will be great seeing Single Wide. A lot has changed since we started this blog. I moved to G-vegas #3 (Greensboro) and she has moved to Chi-town. I told her I was coming to visit but not until spring. I hate the cold and the snow. So this may be my last chance to see her until warmer weather.
I am sure lots of debauchery will persue when we reunite. I am also excited about the reuniting of Team Pink (Riot & Myself). And hopefully the addition of a new Team Drunk member (Titanic). Still waiting to hear if he is able to go after his DUI incident (just trying to be a Team Drunk over-achiever I guess).
I will post an updated DCRD picture (even though SW will be wearing the same dress). As well as a re-cap of the weekend.
At 9/27/2005 9:20 AM,
Unknown said…
Will there be a repeat of the DC B*tch Scream? Even if I tried to forget that night I don't think I'd be able to, it's tooo many laughs. Have fun this weekend!!
At 9/27/2005 9:20 AM,
Unknown said…
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At 9/27/2005 8:18 PM,
Diddy said…
Monkey - Don't think there will be a DC Bitch Scream this year...Well at least not from OG...
Boozie - Can't wait to see ya!!
At 9/28/2005 3:56 PM,
Matt said…
i'm wearing my bad idea red dress
At 9/29/2005 8:17 AM,
Unknown said…
I know you guys are going to have fun, unfortunately work rules at the moment- so this will be the first DC Red Dress that I will miss in the 4 yrs I've been hashing- Have a great time
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