Somewhere there are A LOT of dead kittens

OK So I said I was not going to go to Virginia, I changed my mind SO WHAT...
I really wasn't going to go...I didn't need to spend the money, I needed to stay home and get things ready for this weekend...But when I called in to see if I had to work on Tuesday and they said NO, I thought "Well what the F am I going to do now"...SO at 1:00 I called Ear Shot to see if he had left yet, and he hadn't so I said I'll see you in 2 hours...It actually took me three hours to get there, and I thought we were going to be late for the hash...We actually got there about 20 minutes early...
I told ES not to tell anyone that I had changed my mind I wanted my arrival to be a surprise...Doc was the first one to arrive...Then we saw Prep & Goulash (the hares) I told Prep that I loved the picture on the RevolutionH3 website (It's me and Stormin Norman from the Revolution campout a few weeks ago)...Heidi shows up yelling at me, thinking I pulled a fast one over on all of them...I got to see a lot of people, MicroBone, Piggy & Gofer, Ass Spelunker to name a few...OF Course I am going to be seeing most of these people this weekend at Tri, but it was still nice to see them again...
Hares away...Trail was awesome it included a boat ride and a "scenic" walk of downtown Hampton...Some people said that trail was screwed up (mainly because Heidi told people to go the wrong way!)...I enjoyed the trail, the boat ride, the beer stops (well the ones we made it to, THANKS HEIDI!)...
We left the Food Lion and headed to the Oats (bar) for Down Downs...There we were met by Schwinn who was surprised to see me as well...I had told him Monday night that I wasn't going to show up, so again it was a surprise...I was called into circle for being a visitor (and after watching ES I knew what was expected of me) I left my beer sitting at the table...People yelled at me WHERE IS YOUR VESSEL! I responded with look I'm gonna need both hands, chill out...So they ask me my name, where I'm from then they began chanting "We call on the visitor to Sing Us A Song, or Show us your Tits"...AND to everyone's surprise I show my tits (I told you I needed two hands)...As I'm walking out of circle someone informed me that "I just killed A LOT of kittens"....To humiliate me even further burnt had ES and I do a "Two dog's fucking" down-down...Then the virgin said that I "made him come" so I had to do a ritual with him (THANKS BURNT)...The ritual involves a hotdog being eaten (Lady & The Tramp Style)...I just bit my end off and spit it in the corner, drank my beer and returned to my salad & boiled shrimp...
On-On to Betel's for an UpPP (Unplanned Pool Party)...Doc, Heidi, ES, Betel, Schwinn and myself hit the pool (or L because there was no Poo in it)...We were joined by Just Shane Betel's friend...We tried to convince F'No to join us, but she had kid duties...Heidi said leave a post-it on the kids' head that way if he/she (someone let me know) wakes up they won't worry...She decided that wasn't a good idea...UpPP was pretty fun, there was lots of booze (no slurpee's) chips, nudity? ...And we managed to resurrect some dead kittens when Betel bent over wearing my kilt...Pool party ended close to 3 am when Papa Betel said get outta the pool and go to bed...
Pool Party re-started 9:30 am again we called F"no this time we wanted her to bring us breakfast...Breakfast burritos to be exact! Again she said NO...So we ordered pizza's instead...We hung out at the pool talked about the night, and this coming weekend...2pm ES and I decide it's time to pack up and head home...
I had a great time glad I went, the driving sucked...And I promise these "bad idea jeans" are going to be tucked away for August...
At 7/28/2005 12:31 PM,
Anonymous said…
"And I promise these "bad idea jeans" are going to be tucked away for August..."
...famous last words! :) But I am glad y'all had a great time!
At 7/28/2005 1:57 PM,
Matt said…
diddy and i had bad idea july which will be rounded out this weekend. i don't think either one of us can afford bad idea august.
At 7/28/2005 3:55 PM,
Unknown said…
I know some people who could kill 2 or three kittens a day.
That is too funny.
No matter what you say, you had fun, and that is more than I can say that I am having this very moment. FUN is worth it!
If I put on my bad idea jeans as much as you do...i would no longer fit in them. My ass spilleth over. I do think I am due for a romp in the jeans though!
Send 'em my way!
At 7/28/2005 5:19 PM,
Diddy said…
BG - It was like "Pet Cemetary" all the dead kittens coming back to life! "heart ya"
VK - I've definately gotta take it slower in August...
ES - I just "balanced" my check book I know the BIJ's will be put away for august, I can hardly afford the rest of July (and there's only 3 days left!)
Meg - I'll be happy to send the BIJ's your way!! Hope things are going well for you in AZ.
At 7/29/2005 6:23 AM,
Heidi Flash said…
I'm afraid to balance my checkbook - when I see the bottom line it scares me.
It was great to see you guys. Hope you can come back when you get some positive cash flow!
<3 YOU!
At 7/29/2005 8:16 AM,
Matt said…
diddy, my check book is the same way. thank goodness to day is payday.
At 7/31/2005 4:33 PM,
Anonymous said…
It was great to see you again Diddy! Let me just say "To hell with the kittens!". Who needs a cat anyway? What could be more cuddly than a good set of breasts? Certainly NOT a cat.
I'm planning on venturing down to do a little Carolina hashing soon. I was down there for NCSC 2000, but haven't made it back since. I hope everybody had a good time this weekend!
On looking forward to next time,
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