Trash invades Purgatory

So Sextion8 decided on Saturday it was a "good idea" to run a half marathon...I decided it was a good idea to go to work...After work I come home to a house full of hashers, watching comedy DVD's...We order pizza and continue to watch more comedy (That's some funny stuff I don't care who you are, GET R DONE)
After the show Sex8 and I think hummmmm why not drive up to Charlotte for their 3rd annual Goth Hash...So we contacted Shitty & Scabby and got directions to rendeveux with them at their new crib...We arrive and start getting gothed up (yes Sex8 knew it wasn't an ass clown hash)...Load up in the car and we're on our way an hour late...No worries the Charlotte clan waited on us...We were also pleased when we showed up and we weren't the last ones there, some one else was a half hour later than we were!!
The hash started in Elmwood cemetery, where apparently they have blood sucking ants...Somehow these ants managed to work their way up my boot, through my fishnets, and back down my boot before they started biting me...Fuckers...We were then privy to a "got dance lesson" by none other than Goth DamnIt...He showed us such moves as "kick the baby" "Woe is me" "move the cobwebs" among others...The hares then led us to the first beer stop, I went immediately to the restroom removed my boots and killed the THOUSANDS of ants that were nesting inside...OUCH
Second bar seemed to be a meeting place for Polo & Abercrombie models...They LOVED US! Serioulsy ;)
Our final stop was at Purgatory...I was a little iffy about this place we had checked the website and thought there is no way we'll fit in here...Well it was the first place all night that we felt like we belonged! Still it was a shock to my system...There were many freaky costumes, a blind guy, I even ran into a fellow G-spotter Just Eli...There was even a girl on stage dancing with a "Trash" belt buckle on...Sex8 Tried to trade her with his trash shirt...She took the shirt but didn't trade...Instead she snuck to the back then returned wearing the trash shirt cut up and HOOKERED up! The picture I took of it was to dark, but it was awesome believe me!!
Many beers & many Redbull/Vodka's later the show took an ugly turn...The last thing I remember was one of the dancers licking a section of (what looked like) intestine...I was pretty wasted at this point and rounded up the crowd so we could head home...We got in the car I made Scabby stop in the middle of the road so I could open the back door and puke...Short detour for breakfast at Waffle House then back to the crib we went...
Scabby mentioned the show being cool until the RAPE SCENE! (I don't remember that)...
Sunday morning we headed back to Greensboro so I could go to work and Sex8 could catch his ride back to Fayetteville for Trash...I looked like someone had beaten the shit out of me...The dark make up from the night before had smeared all over my eyes, great look for work...I was covered in glitter, and had fake blood on my arm...Needless to say I got some curious looks from co-workers on Sunday...I just said "Ummm, just a good night out on the town"