C&C Sandwich Factory

Sunday, August 28, 2005

Spark Bombs

So we were @ Jean's Place last night (Shady bar in Havelock) they don't sell Red Bull and we wanted Jager Bombs...No Red Bull no jager bombs...So ES and I decided to re-visit our bad idea we created at the WISSHHH Campout.

Jager + Sparks = Spark Bomb

Spark Bomb = Bad Idea

Spark Bombs + Truck Ride = Ear Shot & Titanic Throwing UP

1 Can Sparks = 3 Spark Bombs

Just because 1 can can yield 3 spark bombs doesn't mean you should drink all 3 within 10 minutes = Still nursing hangover.

OH YEAH and we got to drunk to Drunk Dial = Sorry Heidi, Betel and everyone else on the Drunk Dial list.

Monday, August 15, 2005

Tri-Fu*#ta 2005

G-spot's 5th annual Tri-Fuckta weekend was a blast...Unfortunately I don't remember much of it...Partially due to going to bed early Friday night, working all afternoon on Saturday, and drinking myself to oblivion on Saturday night/Sunday morning...
One thing to note: I went to bed Sunday at 8:00 am, woke up at 2:00 pm when I unzipped my tent EVERYONE was gone...
Here are a few pictures from the weekend: ENJOY
Heidi took her top off (That never happens)

Silence & Titanic are one helluva' Beer Pong team

Shitty wore a Speedo & Fairy Wings and jumped out of a box for Scabby's Birthday

The Trash Chicks killed a bottle of Tequila Rose

NighTrain got Drunk (Thanks to Tour De' Chug) with Gufer

Lost & Fucked made the Spank Bank once again!

Self Portrait with NSSB & EarShot

NighTrain got DRUNKER with Titanic

Don't Cha Wish Your Girlfriend was hot like us?
Don't Cha Wish Your Girlfriend was TRASH like us?
Oh yeah and be jealous I touched Whoosh's boob

Another self-portrait, with Doc & Heidi
Schwinn in a Harriette Sandwich
and he says "I don't fuck in the Hash... much... any more!"

EarShot danced liked Whoosh and got the Shocker

This is my FAVORITE picture of the weekend
Titanic, Shitty & EarShot acting CRAZY (or is it an act?)

Friday, August 05, 2005

Part Deux...

Today the rugrats are leaving...And in some ways I am going to miss them! They have entertained me as much as I have entertained them..But it will be nice to have a little peace and quiet for a few days before I start my new job...

Yesterday was quite eventful...We started out by meeting Buck and heading over to the skate park...Christinia & Josh were loving it...We left them there with clear instructions (don't leave the building, and we better not come back to find you (Christinia) making out with any boys)...Then Buck & I took Taylor downtown to the Children's Museum...I think Buck & I had as much fun as she did...We got to play bank, doctor, in an airplane cockpit, race car, police car, fire truck AND MUCH MORE! We left there picked up Nina & Josh and headed to Celebration Station...

We were joined there by Nexsmell, Silence, Bulbous & Whoosh...This place is AWESOME!! Again I think us grownups had more fun than the kids...We got to play Basketball (I beat Buck, he was pissed), Skeeball, hit in the batting cages, and MOST FUN OF ALL ride the bumper boats...Of course this could've been made more fun with some alcohol...

Now it was time to head back to Buck & BB's for MCs going away party...We had pizza and cake and lots of presents ALL ORANGE of course...Whoosh and I were working on the "Babysitters of the year award" so we though it only right to drink Rum & Pepsi and SPARKS...And I don't know whose "good idea" this was, but they busted out the Twister Game...Josh, Nina, Goofy Style & I played the final round...I did pretty good and made it to 3rd out, Goofy won...I think I may have broken my spleen though!

Whoosh and I make a dynamic duo, we even have people lined up that want US to babysit THEM! (You know who you are)

Promise next post will be TRI-F writeup, got some funny stories & pictures to share.

Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Adventures In Babysitting...

So this week Silence & I are keeping IUD & UPS's kids...We have Queen Bi-atch (Christina), Mac Puppy (Josh) and Chocolate Starfish (Taylor)...They arrived Monday night and good thing I'm not working this week they can keep me entertained...

Tuesday started with breakfast (pop tarts) and a trip to the pool (or OOL, or L)...We came back home around 12:00 then I got a call from Whoosh...She wanted to come hang by the pool with us...She informed me that she had tons of leftovers from Tri-F so I told her to bring us some for lunch...She shows up with two bags, one with BBQ and lunch meat the other with ZIMA (Dont' worry just one for each of us, we weren't going to get wasted with the kids)...

We had lunch, packed our Zima's and headed back to the pool...The kids had a blast, whoosh and I worked on our tans (and Zima)....Whoosh ended up sticking around with us the rest of the afternoon, we watched movies, Silence came home whipped up a meat loaf, then we headed to the bark park with Shilo...

Things are going great so far (noone is injured or crying or mad)...Now we're off to the petting zoo...Adventures in Babysitting part deux coming soon...

Oh yeah and I'll do a write up soon about Tri-F just haven't gotten around to it...Plus I've go to exercise my memory to remember what happened!!

Wish Me Luck!!